SheRecovery Podcast with Crystal Renaud Day
Are you a woman who struggles with porn, sex, or love addiction? Recovery is not just about behavior because recovery without healing is just sobriety. The SheRecovery Podcast is designed to help women who struggle with porn, sex, and love addiction dig deeper into their recovery by looking at physical, emotional, and spiritual healing (body, mind, and spirit). Hosted by Crystal Renaud Day along with expert guests, personal stories, and helpful tools, this weekly show has something for all who are on a recovery journey, but created for women in mind. The SheRecovery Podcast is a resource of SheRecovery.com.
SheRecovery Podcast with Crystal Renaud Day
S1 E7: Marnie Ferree - Comforting Others with the Comfort We've Been Given
In Episode 7 of the SheRecovery Podcast, Crystal chats with Marnie Ferree.
Marnie Ferree, M.A., is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Nashville, TN, where she directs Bethesda Workshops, a short-term Christian-based intensive program for sex addicts and partners. In this interview, Marnie shares her own recovery journey which began 29 years ago! As a pioneer and the "godmother" of female addiction recovery, Marnie shares with the kind of wisdom and grace that you can only gain by years of personal and professional experience.
In 1997, Marnie established the first gender-specific treatment for female sex addicts, and in 2018, she pioneered the first intensive workshop for female adolescent sex addicts. Her book, No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction, uniquely addresses this problem in women. Ms. Ferree is also the volume editor and a contributing writer for Making Advances – A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Female Sex and Love Addicts and co-author of Out of the Doghouse for Christian Men - A Redemptive Guide for Men Caught Cheating. Learn more about Marnie and the work she does at http://bethesdaworkshops.org.
Resources Referenced:
- Bethesda Workshops
- No Stones by Marnie Ferree
- Become a SheRecovery Patron
- SHE Virtual Recovery Summit
- Support SheRecovery at the ProLife Women's Conference
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